What is AACSB ?
Why Join AACSB ?
‧ AACSB乃全球最負盛名之評鑑大學商管學院的組織。
‧ Globally Known for business school accreditation.
‧ 促使學校持續改善以提升競爭力。
‧ Continuous improvement in management education.
‧ 增強學校授予學位的國際公信力。
‧ Degree becomes internally recognized.
(AACSB Application Progress in the Collega):
Time Event
2005/12 Join AACSB
2007/08 Accreditation Plan (AP) approved
2008/09 1st Progress Report approved
2009/09 2nd Progress Report approved
2010/08 3rd Progress Report approved
2011/03 Send Self Evaluation Report (in progress)
2011/09 Peer Review Team (PRT) visits (scheduled)
2012/09 Received an AACSB Accreditation (scheduled)
2016/01 Received an AACSB Accreditation (scheduled)
College of Management, National Cheng Kung University
使命(Mission Statement):
Serve business and society in the global economy through developing quality and socially responsible professionals and business leaders.
Become a leading business school in Asia-pacific region through
(一)窮理致知 (truth and knowledge)
(二)務實創新 (pragmatism and innovation)
(三)追求卓越 (growth and excellence)
教育目標(Educational Objectives):
1. 透過學術上的研究,以及與企業、其他組織間實務經驗的交流,累積管理領域的知識。
Advance the knowledge of management through research, and interaction with business and other organizations.
2. 提供本院大學部及研究所學生一流的教學品質及學習機會,藉以達成知識傳播的目的。
Disseminate knowledge by providing quality instruction and learning opportunities to our undergraduate and graduate students.
3. 與相關企業、學術組織建立協同合作、聯盟之關係,以分享所擁有資訊及思維。
Share information and ideas through collaborations,partnerships, and initiatives with business and academic communities.
成功大學管理學院高階管理碩士在職專班 (EMBA)
Department of Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA)
使命(Mission Statement):
Offer students a platform for lifelong learning and educate them to become professional leaders with international vision, innovation, and the ability to solve problems pragmatically.
(一)國際化 (Internationalization)
(二)創新 (Innovation)
(三)務實 (Pragmatism)
教育目標(Educational Objectives):
1. 培養具有國際化願景,能帶領中小型企業成功轉型為大型企業之高階管理人。
To train well-rounded executives with international vision from small to large-scale firms in Taiwan .
2. 透過跨領域之多元化學習,建立專業與創新決策制定的能力。
To emphasize professional and innovative decision-making skills through multidisciplinary approaches across departmental boundaries.
3. 建立學生間知識與經驗交流的平台,使來自各個不同企業的菁英藉由緊密交流取得企業經營的新思維。
To build closer relationships among students, so their relative experience in various business cases can be exchanged and the information for companies' activities can be circulated.
2016.01. AACSB PRT Chair Robert C. Klemkosky 來訪照片